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April 19, 2015

Mayor names Yatvin to Philadelphia Police Community Oversight Board

By: alan-yatvin

On April 17, 2015, Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter named Alan L. Yatvin to the newly created Police Community Oversight Board. The Board was established by the Mayor by Executive Order No. 1-15, in response to the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policy Services (DOJ-COPS) report entitled, “Collaborative Reform Initiative:  An Assessment of Deadly Force Policy and Practice in the Philadelphia Police Department” and the Interim Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. The COPS Deadly Force report provided recommendations to enhance training, improve the quality and transparency of deadly force investigations, strengthen the use of force review process, and institutionalize organizational learning processes related to deadly force incidents. The Task Force interim report made recommendations to the President on issues affecting police-community interactions, examined long-held assumptions about the nature and methods of policing,and identified areas where research is needed to highlight examples of evidence-based policing practices. The Board’s mission is to will develop a realistic approach for implementing the reports’ recommendations, and monitor and assess the Department’s progress. The Board’s membership represents a wide variety of professions and Philadelphia community groups and constituencies.  Yatvin brings his expertise in representing individuals and families of persons who were the victims of unreasonable force and other police misconduct.  His experience includes litigation of numerous police shooting cases.    

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